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Welcome to the TCMS Bulldog Band!


Information for 6th Grade and Beginning Band Members:


We will have our Instrument Selection and Rental Night on Thursday, August 23rd from 5-7 PM in the band room. Your student will try out all the instruments, select one, and have the option to rent one that night. We will also have a short informational meeting at 5 about beginning band. It is very important all students who have been placed on an instrument by Mrs. McManus come this night!




Getting an Instrument


There are many ways to obtain an instrument. Here are some options:


1)      Rent from a music store—this is our most highly recommended option. We have two local music stores, Playground Music and Music Masters, who rent instruments at affordable costs. These instruments are high quality; offer insurance in case something happens to it; and offer a program where the payments you make on your instrument either go towards purchasing that instrument, or go towards “stepping up” to a nicer instrument. You can rent in person at our Rental Night on Aug. 23rd, online, or over the phone. Contact the stores for more information:


Playground Music— (850) 320-6463


Music Masters— (850) 224-6158


2)      Rent from TCMS—we have a limited number of school owned instruments available for students to rent for the year. This is the cheaper option; however, any damages made to the instrument will be the responsibility of the family, and there is no rent-to-own program available. These are first come, first serve. If you’d like to use this option, please send in a rental agreement form (found under “Files" at the top) along with $40 cash or check to TCMS. No money will be accepted without a sign form, or vice versa.


3)      Scholarship instrument—if this is the best option for your family, please let me know ASAP and I will put in an application for a scholarship instrument for your child. Please don’t let funds be a reason for your child to not do band—if a child truly wants to be in band, we will always find a way to get them an instrument!


4)      Purchasing an instrument—if you decide to go this route, please be sure to run the brand, make, and model of the instrument you’re looking at by either Mrs. McManus or one of our trusted music stores. There are MANY cheap brands on the internet that look like great deals—but they are not worth your money. They are poorly made—they break quickly, sound bad, are difficult to play, and will leave your child frustrated and turned off from music entirely. Music stores refuse to fix these instruments when they are broken because the pieces are so cheap—they will often break when they try to work on them. You then will have to purchase ANOTHER instrument. Save your money—skip the $100 clarinet and get a quality instrument!


BAD INSTRUMENT BRANDS: Simba, Mendini, Glory, Etude, Allora, First Act, Jean Paul, ANYTHING COLORED (pink, red, blue, white) WILL SOUND BAD!  


GOOD INSTRUMENT BRANDS: for flutes: Yamaha, Gemeinhardt, Armstrong. For clarinets: Buffet, Yamaha, Vito, LeBlanc. For saxophones: Yamaha, Selmer. For brass instruments: Yamaha, Conn, Holton, Bach, Getzen, King.


                When in doubt, Yamaha is good… and ask Mrs. McManus or the music stores—we are here to help!




Supplies Needed (see supply sheet under “Files" at the top)—send in money with form and your supplies are delivered each Friday


-quality instrument


-cleaning kit (all instruments), reeds and cork grease (clarinets and saxophones), valve oil/slide grease (all brass instruments)


-Tradition of Excellence book 1 for your child’s instrument


-three ring binder with page protectors (lots!)


-pencils (lots!)


-white band polo uniform (use order form under “Files" at the top—send in $13 cash or check to TCMS along with order form)






See an overview of our schedule under the “Calendar” tab, or download a printable version under “Files.” There are many required performance events here!






We will kick off our chocolate bar fundraiser on September 7th to raise money to new instruments—specifically a xylophone. All money is due back Sept. 21st. We ask each family sell at least one box to help us with this purchase. Please send in a signed fundraiser form (found under “files”)


Volunteer Opportunities

We need volunteers to work the concessions at our football games and help transport instruments to and from the field! To volunteer, please go to "files" at the top, click on "Volunteers," then print off and fill out the volunteer application. Turn it in to the front office, and let Mrs. McManus know how you'd like to volunteer. Thank you to all you do for your child-- the band can't run without you!




Email will be the main form of communication in our band program. Please email Mrs. McManus at to be added to the list. You can also sign up for our Remind 101, a free and secure texting service to remind you of band events, by texting the message @ha7b3 to the phone number 81010. For added communication, you can keep up with the band on our Facebook page at


 7th and 8th Grade Band Information:

We will have a parent meeting on Thursday, August 16th at 6 PM to discuss all information for the semester! We will also have a notary present to have off campus field trip forms notarized. Please plan to attend! 


Supplies Needed (see supply sheet under “Files" at the top)


-quality instrument


-cleaning kit (all instruments), reeds strength 3 or 3.5 and cork grease (clarinets and saxophones), valve oil/slide grease (all brass instruments)


-three ring binder with page protectors (lots!)


-pencils (lots!)


-blue band polo uniform (use order form under “Files”—send in $13 cash or check to TCMS along with order form)


-blue band t-shirt uniform (use order form under “Files”—send in $9 cash or check to TCMS along with order form)


-$25 band fee due Sept. 1st (pays for our trips for the year)






See an overview of our schedule under the “Calendar” tab, or download a printable version under “Files.” There are many required performance events here!






We will kick off our chocolate bar fundraiser on Sept. 7th to raise money to new instruments—specifically a xylophone. All money is due back September 21st. We ask each family sell at least one box to help us with this purchase. Please send in a signed fundraiser form (found under “files”) ½ can be put into student’s account—this can help pay for $25 band fee due from each member, due Sept. 1st.


 Volunteer Opportunities

We need volunteers to work the concessions at our football games and help transport instruments to and from the field! To volunteer, please go to "files" at the top, click on "Volunteers," then print off and fill out the volunteer application. Turn it in to the front office, and let Mrs. McManus know how you'd like to volunteer. Thank you to all you do for your child-- the band can't run without you!




Email will be the main form of communication in our band program. Please email Mrs. McManus at to be added to the list. You can also sign up for our Remind 101, a free and secure texting service to remind you of band events, by texting the message @kecg2 to the phone number 81010. For added communication, you can keep up with the band on our Facebook page at




Welcome to the TCMS Band! If your child is interested in joining band, please call the school at 838-2516 or email Mrs. McManus at Please plan on attending one of our Instrument Selection Nights on Thursday, August 23rd, from 5-7 PM. This is for all new members to select their instrument and rent/purchase all of their supplies for the year. Please plan to still attend even if you are renting an instrument from the school.


Welcome to the Taylor County Middle School Band! Students are provided with many opportunities to be involved in the Bulldog family. One of those is the band program at Taylor County Middle School! The Bulldog Band is known as an outstanding band program in the area. The TCMS Band is populated with some of the best students. We have numerous students on A/B Honor Roll, Straight As, members of the Academic Team, Student Council, and every sport and club at TCMS.

Benefits of playing a musical instrument:

-A LOVE for music!

-Offered during the school day as a class

-Instant friends with a common interest

-Increased IQ

-Social Development

-Sense of Accomplishment

Did you know?

-EVERY student can play an instrument--NO previous experience required!

-Purchasing an instrument is NOT required. A rental program is available at affordable prices.

-You CAN take band and ANY other sport or club at TCMS


If you are interested in becoming part of the TCMS Bulldog Band, please plan to bring your child to one of our Instrument Selection Nights on Thursday, August 23rd from 5-7 PM in the TCMS Band room. Here, students will try out all the instruments to find their perfect fit. Our music store, Playground Music, will also be available for your convenience. You will be able to rent or purchase an instrument at very affordable rates. If this is not an option for you, we have several school-owned instruments for students to use. However, they are on a first-come, first-serve basis; please let me know ASAP if you would like your child to use one so I can reserve it for you. If there are any issues with this, please feel free to contact me. We can always find a way to get an instrument for a student who truly wants to be in band. 

If you find you are unable to come on August 23rd, please call or email me. I will schedule an alternate date for your child to select their instrument. I look forward to meeting you.